Daiwa Viento Review
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Daiwa Viento Reviews
Actual Customer Feedback:
"I am an avid fisherman to say the least. I grew up on a lake and have fished everyday to every week for the past 25 years, or close to it. I have always been a Team Diawa user."
Portion of actual user review from basspro.com
"I have been a die hard Diawa man my ehole life, but after this reel I may never be again. My reel handle stript out after 3 months. I called Diawa they told me to pack sand."
Portion of actual user review from basspro.com
"I have used this reel for the past couple of years and I absolutely love this reel. Never have I had any trouble with the reel. Great casting and retrieval, not to mention the twitching bar is very usefull."
Portion of actual user review from basspro.com
"Another amazing reel from Daiwa. I wasn't so sure about the twitchin' bar.... then I tried it! It is awesome for bringing in slack one handed and moving baits like Jigs or worms just a little. "
Portion of actual user review from basspro.com
Our research on the Daiwa Viento Suggests:
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